Y'hika Tia

Just a harmless lil' Guy


Seeking: Long term rp connections, short term adventures, friendship, rivals, romance, conflict, etc

  • ㅤBecks | he/him or they/them | Atlantic Timezoneㅤ

Hey, I'm Becks and I am looking to make more IC connections and OOC pals! I'm an internet old (late 30s) who has been rping for many years. I have a lot of feelings about fictional characters and I'd like to have feelings about your characters too!Writing preference wise, I am very flexible when it comes to tone and content though I do enjoy exploring darker or mature themes. That being said, I believe in communication between players, especially when engaging with difficult subjects. Discussing boundaries and limits is important, as well as trusting each other enough to speak up if either party is uncomfortable.You can reach me on tumblr, in game as Y'hika Tia on Balmung, OR via twitter @OhNo_Becks. If we hit it off, we can exchange discords!

  • ㅤMy other charactersㅤ

  • A few things!

  • Conflict in RP is welcome! I will not take it personally if my character is treated badly or disliked - this character can be an asshole and people can (and should!) react accordingly! I am more than comfortable with antagonistic or unpleasant IC interactions - I only ask that you please check in with me before doing anything that will result in a permanent/semi-permanent injury.

  • Lore wise I am flexible so long as it is based somewhat within the framework of the worldbuilding. Some things might not be to my tastes or interests, but I'll never judge other players for having a good time. <3

  • I'm down for rping romance (including erp if the characters have chemistry) but I like to get to know the player a bit beforehand -- vibe check and all that.

  • Currently prefer in-game rp but not opposed to limited discord scenes

  • I believe there should be a bar of separation between IC and OOC. Please do not conflate the two - I am an adult and I have no time or energy for interpersonal drama related to roleplaying. However, if you are ever left feeling upset or uncomfortable after or during an interaction, please reach out and we can discuss it without judgement.

  • Please only approach me for rp if you are 18+ and your character is 18+. I am not comfortable interacting with minors online (fictional or otherwise).

The Basics

  • ㅤnameㅤ Y'hika Tia [goes by Hika]

  • ㅤageㅤ Mid 20s

  • ㅤraceㅤ Seeker of the Sun

  • ㅤGenderㅤ Cis Male

  • ㅤPronounsㅤ he/him

  • ㅤSexualityㅤ Gay (situationally pan?)

  • ㅤRelationship Statusㅤ Single

  • ㅤAlignmentㅤ Chaotic Neutral

  • ㅤPatron Deityㅤ Meh [Nald'thal if he had to choose one]

  • ㅤResidenceㅤ Between Residences

  • ㅤProfessionㅤ Assassin Reputable Mercenary, chocobo jockey

  • ㅤFamilyㅤ Click here

  • ㅤCharacter Inspoㅤ Rebecca "Revy" Lee [Black Lagoon], Isaac "Felix" Gates [RvB], Reno [FF7], Character in an action movie that divests themself of a truly comical amount of knives when disarming


Hair: Rich Plum
Eyes: Sea glass green
Height: 5'2"
Build: Lithe and compact, made for flexibility and speed.
Hika is a fidget-er, a hand talker, and prone to fits of dramatics in both tone and body language -- his movements have a lazy grace that can turn vicious between one breath and the next. He puts an effort into his appearance and is pretty, in a way, with his sharp features, sharp eyes, and sharp smile.Even if he might be nice to look at, there is an inherent untrustworthiness about him (which, y'know, fair).Notable Features: There is a notch in his right ear and his long tail is a little bit janky -- like it's been broken a few times in a few places and never healed quite right.


  • ㅤPositive Traits:ㅤ Intelligent, Friendly, Perceptive, Easy Going, Adaptable, Pragmatic, Brave, Open Minded, Fashionable, Discrete, Competent, Capable of Being Very Charming

  • ㅤNegative Traits:ㅤ Materialistic, Extremely Flexible Morals, Cocky, Vain, Flippant, Unprincipled, Worryingly Comfortable with the use of Violence, Opportunistic, Low Value of Spoken Life

  • ㅤLikes:ㅤ Money, Fighting, Guns, Explosives, Knives, Technology, Sex, Flying, His pet Bomb Splodey, Chocobos, Expensive food and all the other Finer Things in Life

  • ㅤDislikes:ㅤ Working for Free, Law Enforcement, Morally Righteous dickheads, Do-Gooders, The Outdoors, Magic, Children

  • ㅤFears:ㅤ Needles, Spiders, Clowns...


The Past: A pretty typical Seeker origin. Left home looking to make his way in the big wide world. Joined the Thieves guild in Limsa for a few cycles until he was politely asked to leave due to a difference of professional opinion (pertaining to what constituted acceptable collateral damage; and, whether or not those margins applied to "collateral" that was at one point breathing).So off to Ul'dah, city of sand and sun and opportunity -- if you can make it there, you can make it etc etc. Ul'dah seemed to operate along the type of upsettingly blurry moral lines that really resonated with him, y'know? He stuck around for a while -- made some connections with professionally unsavory sorts, did a few turns at the pugilist guild, yadda yadda yadda, that warrant may still be active.After that Hika bounced around until he found himself in Coerthas where he took up with sky pirates for a good stretch. This could have been a sustainable career pivot if he hadn't also took up with the sky pirate's captain -- but hey, what's a little betrayal between ill advised flings? He came away with a newfound love for flying, guns, and only one (1) new bullet scar.The Present: The Seeker has put his life long affinity for chocobos (and gambling) into practice finding work as a jockey at the Gold Saucer. This is mostly to hold him over as he looks for some merc gigs to keep his debts -- and kneecaps -- in good standing.(Get it -- kneecaps? Good Standing?)

Dirty Jobs done (not) dirt Cheap

  • ㅤAre youㅤ in need of someone with flexible morals?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ in need of a blade (or explosives) connoisseur?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ looking to create and/or dispose of a body?

Now that he's back from his stint in Coerthas he's been looking to rekindle old connections and contacts or make some new ones -- letting folks know he's looking for work and comes highly recommended. Hika will do pretty much anything for a price and he doesn't ask a lot uncomfortable moral questions.His questions are more like: How much are you paying me? How roughed up are we talking? Do you have any strong feelings on collateral damage? Do you know if there are any local pig farms or...?

Chocobo Jockey (Dirty?)

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a regular at the Gold Saucer?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ familiar with the local racing scene?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ looking to rig a race?

While he's between more lucrative employment, Hika has snagged a job at the Gold Saucer as a Chocobo jockey. He's always been good with birds and has no qualms about racing dirty (or... facilitating a fixed race, allegedly).He's been known to haunt the casino during his down time, slinging back drinks and gambling away his gil -- always up for a distraction (or an incident. Whatever you want to call it).

Former Sky Pirate (Allegedly!)

  • ㅤHave youㅤ ever worked in the field of Sky Piratery?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a reliable (or not so reliable) fence?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ up to date with warrants and bounties?

What are you a cop?

Checkered Past (and present)

  • ㅤAre youㅤ connected to not so legal enterprises?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a debt collector?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a purveyor of illicit goods?

Hika has met a lot of people in his youth building up his reputation in Limsa and Ul'dah doing not very legal things and making acquaintances who were similarly inclined.He's never been picky about the sort of company he keeps or the sorts of establishments he's frequented -- and he isn't someone who forgets a face.I mean, names yeah all the time, but faces!

Nature vs Nurture???



A healer and sky reader, Sennah is an incredibly sweet woman -- kind and nurturing and supportive of the many paths and careers and life choices her children have embarked on. Even the more... dubious ones.She was hoping her only son would settle down and start a clan of his own some day, but alas, some things just ain't in the stars.

Y'Tyr Nunh


Hika was never particularly close with the tribe Nunh, though that isn't uncommon in a Seeker tribe. Tyr has served his people as an effective leader and a capable fighter but is something of a distant father. While he may lack in strong paternal instincts, he has never been unkind to his kits.He has had many opinions on this son over the years but keeps them mostly to himself -- best for keeping the peace, after all.


Eldest Sister

The only sister he was close to growing up. Well regarded for her physical abilities, unfortunately Charisma was her dump stat -- unlike her brother, who has charisma in excess. When they were younger they got on quite well as Hika would often speak for her when she didn't have the words and Sumi was easy to rope into his more ambitious hijinks.They haven't spoken much since he left home, but from what she knows she has made it clear she does not approve of his current life choices. She's not angry, she's just disappointed.

Ephix Renault

Former Captain

Sky pirate Captain, questionably charming rogue with a core of ruthlessness. Not a person one should cross lightly. That he put a bullet in his former lover and left him for dead in the Coerthas snow was practically magnanimous for him, given Hika did, in fact, cross him (pretty lightly, actually).A bullet may or may not count as bygones between them.